portable dust monitor

Suspended Particle Matter Meters


portable dust monitor

portable dust monitorModel portable dust monitorTechnical Specifications portable dust monitorApplications portable dust monitor
Hand-Held Air Particles Counter H-SPM4210FD-AIR Range:0.01-10 mg/NM3; Environ atmosphere dust measurement portable dust monitor
Portable Gas dust meter p-SPM4210 Range:0-100000 mg/NM3; Industry gas dust test, or high dust air monitoring portable dust monitor
Portable Gas dust meter p-SPM4220 Range:0-40000 mg/NM3; Industry gas dust test portable dust monitor
Portable Flue dust meter
Range:0-1000 mg/NM3;
Smoke Temperature:<200ˇăC
Dust in smoke from boiler or other burners
portable dust monitor
Portable Flue dust meter
Range:0-1000 mg/NM3;
Smoke Temperature:<200ˇăC
smoke density from boiler or other burners
portable dust monitor
Portable Auto dust meter
SP:0-1000 mg/NM3;
Smoke Temperature:<200ˇăC
Automotive exhaust particles test
portable dust monitor
portable dust monitor T-SPM4220-AIR Range:0-100 mg/NM3; Air dust continuously monitoring portable dust monitor
portable dust monitor T-SPM4210 Range:0-100000 mg/NM3; Industry gas dust continuously monitoring portable dust monitor
Open Space Dust Monitor
Dust concentration: 0 ... 800 mg/m3 to 0 ... 12 g/m3, depending on measuring distance
Measurement of dust concentrations in processes
Dust emission in quarries or mill works
Monitoring of dust loads in factory halls.
Emission monitoring and monitoring of filter plants in energy production, in the building material industry, metallurgy, food and feed stuff industries and the chemical industry.
portable dust monitor
online Flue Dust Transmitter T-SPM4210-SMK
Range:0-1000 mg/NM3;
Smoke Temperature:<200ˇăC
Flue gas dust continuously monitoring portable dust monitor
online Dust Flue Dust Monitor TA-SPM4110-SMK
Range:0-1000 mg/NM3;
Smoke Temperature:200-400/800ˇăC
Flue gas dust continuously monitoring portable dust monitor


Call: (86) 10-8264.0225; 8264.0226  
Fax: 86-10-8264.0221 ;
P.o.Box: 603 BDTI
Beijing, China 100190
email: support@big-dipper.us; sales@big-dipper.us;  support@big-dipper.us; sales@big-dipper.us;