SC100 Sampler

Aspirating Pump


__For Gas Detect Tube Suits Application



with Model SC100 aspirating pump and standard accessories which are composed of a carrying case, 3 rubber tube connectors, 1 tub of grease and an instruction Manual.

Testing Principle

The principle of the Gas Detector Tube System is a dry analysis method that makes an application of a chemical reaction and a physical absorbtion. In sampling a gas into a detector tube, a stained layer can be produced by means of the reaction of the reagent and gas in the tube. As the gas concentration is proportional to the length of stained layer, you can easily read off the concentration on the top of the stained layer.

The reading methods of gas concentration are divided into two ways; a direct reading method where a reading can be obtained directly from the scale printed on the tube and a concentration chart method.

principle of Kitagawa Gas detector tube system


Sampling and Samplers

SC100 is the most popular sampler to detect tubes, for it’s simple way that every one familiar in life. It can be used for most tubes.

Few tubes has special sampling requirements, it would be described on the package box.

Some time you just need a syringe to accomplish the detect tube applications.


Detect Tube Testing Operation (most cases)

1) Cut the two ends of the tube before use, by inserting the tube into the delve(one special designed hole) on the wall of SC100, then break it.

2) Insert the tube in the hole on the SC100, pay attention to the direction of the tube.

3) Draw the hold to the defined position ( the content should be fixed before operation according the instruction). Then read the data from the colored scale when it appears stable. The lasting time is always 50seconds about, some exceptions.

4) Few tubes need filter at critic applications. The filter is designed just suit on the tube.


BigDipper Technochem Institute

Fax: 010-8264.0221; 8264.0238;
P.o.Box 603 BDTI Beijing, China 100190




Size: f50*200 (mm)

Net Weight: ~750g

Packaged Weight: <1.2kg